Colonel Mitchell Paige, home of the Patriots, opened its doors for the first time in
August, 2006. Our goal is to prepare our students for success at the next grade level
and thus, into the future, even after they leave us and move on to high school.
Teachers deliver curriculum that adheres to the Common Core State Standards and
use a variety of instructional strategies to meet the needs of all students. They reach
out to students beyond the classroom and offer tutoring, after school sports, clubs,
performing arts, AVID, ASB, and yearbook. Good attendance, grades, and
positive behavior are continually emphasized. All students have the opportunity to
enroll in AVID which emphasizes organization, time management, self-monitoring of
grades and homework, and preparation each day for school. Every student at Paige
has an Advisory Class that meets weekly which acts like a homeroom where information is communicated to students and social emotional learning is emphasized. They are also able to work on other activities like digital citizenship, homework
checks, and other school business.
The school believes in a
strong parent connection and working together. Communication with the home is vital
and information is sent via our website, marquee, weekly parent letters, notices, phone
calls, parent/teacher conferences, emails, and ParentVUE.
Parents have opportunities to get directly involved with the school community by
participating in the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), parent education opportunities, and volunteering.
Paige Middle School has a
dedicated staff and believes in continual improvement. Mutual respect and
responsibility of all stakeholders, along with a strong academic program, creates a
school where "Patriot Pride cannot be denied."